bptestbpcd command used to test the connectivity between master netbackup server and all client server.
From the linux client :
cd to /usr/openv/netbackup/bin. Run the utility three times from the client: once (with the -pn arguement) to see if the client can get a response from the master server via the name specified in the client's bp.conf file; once (with the -hn arguement) to see if the client can resolve the host name of the master server; and once (with the -ip arguement) to validate the association of the ip address obtained from the output of bpclient -hn, with the hostname used on the input command line to bpclient -hn
1)# ./bpclntcmd -pn
expecting response from server trout
pike pike 34455
Note: If, for example, the master server's name is entered incorrectly in the client's bp.conf file, this run of bpclntcmd will produce no output and simply retrun to the command line prompt
2)# ./bpclntcmd -hn trout
host trout: trout at (0xa662303f)
checkhname: aliases:
3)# ./bpclntcmd -ip
checkhaddr: host : trout: trout at (0xa662303f)
checkhaddr: aliases: